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Companies win right to repair seatbelts

Industry group puts out alert over what companies can now legally repair safety devices.
Posted on 15 July, 2021
Companies win right to repair seatbelts

Two new companies have been added as exempted seatbelt re-webbing organisations by Waka Kotahi.

Belt Tech NZ Ltd and Seatbelts NZ Ltd have joined APV Australia and Autosafe Ltd as companies permitted to legally repair seatbelts manufactured by other providers.

The Imported Motor vehicle Industry Association (VIA) sent out an email alert to members on July 15 informing them of an update to Technical bulletin 16: Seatbelt repair and re-webbing, which now includes the new companies and how to identify them on re-webbed seatbelt labels.

Waka Kotahi says the bulletin has been refreshed so vehicle inspectors can easily identify seatbelts that are compliantly re-webbed and those that are not.

“Seatbelts that are not re-webbed by an approved repairer are likely to be unsafe,” it adds.

For more information, contact VIA on 0800-842-842 or email