Clarity over stink bug rules

Ministry keeping season for treating used-vehicle imports the same but says it will increase surveillance if appropriate.
Posted on 19 April, 2024
Clarity over stink bug rules

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has confirmed the heat treatment season for brown marmorated stink bugs (BMSBs) is not changing and will continue to run from September to April.

The Imported Motor Vehicle Industry Association (VIA) says it had heard unconfirmed concerns from members that the government was considering extending the period when used-vehicle imports from Japan needed to be treated.

VIA, in an email alert sent to members on April 19, explains it made inquiries to MPI and the ministry responded there will be no change to the current regulations that are designed to keep the pests out of the country.

“Following our assessment of the data and current situation regarding BMSBs we will not be extending the season for Japan used vehicles,” the MPI says. 

“As part of our assessment we have looked at establishment risk, current treatment settings and BMSB biology.

“We will continue to monitor the situation as we receive more information and may increase surveillance if appropriate.”

MPI continues that, as per standard practice, if importers or dealers identify any live insect, including BMSBs, on a used vehicle it must be treated. 

“All vehicles arriving in New Zealand at any time of the year are required to be free of regulated pests.”

VIA says it continues to engage with MPI and other regulators on the rules applying to vehicle importation and will always keep its members informed of any changes.

Any members with questions can contact VIA on 0800-842-842 or email