$32.9b investment for transport

Minister announces details of programme for next three years that will reintroduce roads of national significance and target pothole prevention.
Posted on 03 September, 2024
$32.9b investment for transport

The government has announced it will invest $32.9 billion into developing New Zealand’s transport network through the 2024-27 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP).

Simeon Brown, Minister of Transport, says the funding will help create a more reliable and efficient transport network that boosts economic growth and productivity. 

He adds some of the highlights of the NLTP are: 

• Delivering on the coalition agreements to reintroduce the roads of national significance (Rons) programme, with a pipeline of 17 Rons nationwide.  

• Focusing on maintenance and pothole prevention to reduce the number of potholes on roads. 

• Supporting reliable public transport services and delivering four new major public transport projects to increase travel choices in New Zealand’s main cities. 

• Ensuring councils are doing the basics, with increased pothole prevention, reduced funds for cycleways, and no funds for speed bumps. 

“I’m pleased to see that this NLTP adopted by the NZ Transport Agency board, which boosts funding by 35 per cent compared to the last three years, strongly reflects our government’s priorities of economic growth and productivity, increased maintenance and resilience, safety, and value for money,” says Brown, pictured. 

“New Zealanders rejected the previous government’s transport policies which resulted in non-delivery, phantom projects, slower speed limits, and an infestation of speed bumps. 

“The Government is turning this around with record investment in transport projects that reduce travel times, improve public transport options, and build and maintain our roading network to the safe and reliable standard Kiwis expect. 

“Our Government is committed to making sure that every dollar is spent wisely on the projects and services needed to grow our economy and enable Kiwis to get to where they want to go, quickly and safely.” 

Brown continues that a record $6.4b will be invested in public transport services and infrastructure to increase travel choices and deliver more reliable services in the main cities. 

This includes the City Rail Link, which was started under the previous National government and will double Auckland’s rail capacity and reduce congestion when it opens in 2026.  

Nine priority bridges across the state highway network will also be replaced as part of the NLTP, and Brown notes work is progressing on a second Ashburton Bridge as a road of regional significance. The government will also replace Pages Road Bridge in Christchurch as a local road project.  

Road policing will also be increased under the NLTP to help “crack down on drunk and drugged drivers”.  

Full details of the investments being made through the NLTP, including regional breakdowns, can be found at