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Working together to ease congestion

Ports of Auckland is still under pressure due to congestion.
Posted on 23 May, 2018
Working together to ease congestion

VIA, (the Imported Motor Vehicle Industry Association), urges that everyone keeps working together to ease congestion at Ports of Auckland.

"Thank you to everyone so far who has helped to clear incoming vehicles off the wharves in Auckland," says VIA.

However, due to another record month in May (30,000+), the port is still under considerable pressure to clear large volumes of vehicles. 

To avoid demurrage (currently $60 per car, per day), vehicles ideally need to be moved off the port seven days a week, Monday through Sunday.

We ask that compliance shops continue to work with transport companies to ensure that transporters have access to deliver vehicles from the port into safe storage.

This is simply to avoid port congestion, and once again, should not place undue pressure on the compliance KSDPs.

For any questions, please contact VIA Technical Manager Malcolm Yorston on 0800 VIA VIA (842 842) or email