Safety rating labels survey

Researchers to visit a sample of new and used car dealerships on behalf of government agency over the coming months.
Posted on 22 September, 2023
Safety rating labels survey

A number of dealers across the country will soon be receiving visits from researchers as Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency tries to understand the extent to which vehicle safety rating labels are being used. 

The agency has contracted Hoed Research NZ to conduct a nationwide study and visits to randomly selected new and used car dealerships will take place over the next few months. 

Waka Kotahi asks dealerships that receive such visits to allow the surveyor from Hoed, who will have identification and an official letter of authority, to walk around their site to gather relevant data. 

An email alert from the Imported Motor Vehicle Industry Association (VIA) says results from each completed site visit will be compiled by Waka Kotahi to form a baseline of data. 

Malcolm Yorston, technical support at VIA, adds: “NZTA has committed to sharing the key findings with us, so we can work with them as needed on any future communication and education activities, however individual site results will be kept confidential.” 

He notes the survey is independent of the vehicle emissions and energy economy label compliance audit being implemented by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority.
Anyone with questions or concerns about the Waka Kotahi research can email, or click here for its FAQ sheet.