Rat on car terrifies actor

FRIDAY FUNNY: Kyle Richards captures surprise encounter with rodent. PLUS – video
Posted on 17 May, 2024
Rat on car terrifies actor
@kylerichards18 / Instagram

An American actor and socialite was left freaking out behind the wheel after a rat clambered onto her parked car and nestled itself outside the driver’s side window.

Kyle Richards, who has starred in the movie Halloween and reality TV’s The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, can be heard screaming and cursing in a video of her encounter with the rodent.

She shared the hilarious footage to her Instagram page, with the video showing the rat pressing its paws up against the glass and then tucking itself behind the wing mirror, reports the Daily Mail.

During the clip, a panicking Richards can be heard saying, “Why is it looking at me like that?” and “I need someone to help me here”. 

She explains on Instagram the incident happened while she was parked for coffee and sitting in her car looking at emails. 

Richards, pictured below, says she was initially afraid the creature might get into the vehicle because a passenger-side window was open.

The TV personality was also reluctant to start driving because the wing mirrors were folded in and she was worried they would “squash this thing” when they opened.

Richards adds the rat remained on her car for about another five minutes after she stopped filming and then dropped out of sight. “I did not know where to! So I zoomed out and had to pull over and park for 20 minutes until I could feel my legs again.”

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