MotorSport NZ delivers $200k boost for events
MotorSport New Zealand has put together a $200,000 support package for its member clubs and competitors as part of its “Back in Motion” response to Covid-19.
The organisation delivered a plan in May detailing how motorsport could resume after no events for more than two months because of the pandemic. It is now offering financial assistance to further encourage clubs and competitors to return to action.
Elton Goonan, acting CEO, says MotorSport NZ will apply a 25 per cent discount on event permit fees and participation levies for events hosted from now until the end of 2020.
“We’re really excited to be able to offer this package and be able to encourage our member clubs to host some exciting events to get motorsport back into action again,” he adds.
“This will enable them to be able to offer cheaper entry fees to our competitors and help them get their cars out and have fun doing what they are really passionate about doing.
“We need to make sure we are doing whatever we can do to keep motorsport accessible to as many people as possible as we come out of the pandemic.”
The price of competition licence and authority card renewals are also being dropped by 25 per cent until May 31, 2021.
With events unable to be held during Covid-19 restrictions, exemptions have also been made for event participation and safety audits on authority cards until the end of May next year.
MotorSport NZ says it has worked with the Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association to remove the two-event requirement for authority card renewals and extended the safety audit period from six to 12 months prior to renewal.
“This support package represents a significant investment in our sport,” says Wayne Christie, president of MotorSport NZ.
“Our intention is for our competitors to make the most of reduced costs which will help them get behind the wheel for at least the remainder of 2020.
“MotorSport New Zealand is well-positioned, financially, for the future, with a Covid-19 prompted restructure now complete and other internal cost-saving measures introduced.”