Focus on industry training

Issues around automotive industry training will be the focus of a webinar being hosted by the Imported Motor Vehicle Industry Association (VIA) this month.
Phil Urlich, from MITO Te Pukenga, will be the special guest for the online event, which is being held at 12.30pm on Wednesday, July 24.
VIA notes the presentation to members will come at a time when the coalition government is reversing the implementation of the review of vocational education.
Urlich will talk about the history of motor industry training in New Zealand, where the sector is now, what our industries want and why, the government options on the table and what happens next.
“Our sector is heavily reliant on a well-trained service sector to inspect and repair vehicles – whether or not you train or employ automotive technicians, your business probably relies on their skills at some point,” says VIA.
“MITO needs industry feedback and support, so this is a perfect opportunity for members to help shape the future of training in the industry.”
To register for the webinar, click here.