CCS deadline almost here

The deadline for fleet-average account holders to settle up under the clean car standard (CCS) is fast approaching.
The NZTA says the deadline for such accounts is March 31, after which importers will be direct debited for the full amount.
“You can select to use your credits to offset charges and or pay cash anytime between now and March 3, and we will run the direct debit straight away,” says a spokesman.” If you have questions, email or call 0800-141-801.
The agency has been getting some queries from importers about which vehicles fall in the type A and type B classification when entering the information into the CCS system.
For clarification, type A are classes MA, MB and MC. Type B are classes NA and MD1. If you’re unsure or believe a class is incorrect, the advice is check with your entry certifier.
Meanwhile, consultation closed on December 10 for feedback on the government’s decision to move to a user-pays model for CCS administration costs.
Submissions have now been analysed and the outcome should be announced within the next few months.
Changes to emissions rule
Alterations to the vehicle exhaust emissions rule for motorcycles and mopeds kick in on April 30.
An amendment means classes LA, LB, LC, LD and LE will need to meet emissions standards Euro 4m, US2010m or Japan 2012m to be entry certified in New Zealand.
The Japanese codes for these are JBK, EBL, JBH or EBJ. Email for more details.