CCD deadline – no exceptions

The government says no applications for rebates under the clean car discount (CCD) will be accepted after 11.59pm on December 31 when the feebates scheme ends.
The NZ Transport Agency says eligible vehicles registered up to and on December 31 will be subject to CCD fees and rebates.
In addition, no vehicles will be subject to charges under the CCD from January 1 subject to legislation being passed.
And from the start of the new year, stock advertised for sale must have a new vehicle emissions and energy economy label (VEEEL) generated and displayed without CCD information – be that stock on yards or for sale via online listings.
VEEEL labelling and online data feeds will be updated on January 1 for the requirements to be met. For organisations receiving electronic feeds via API, no changes will be needed to system interfaces because CCD fields will still exist but will be empty from January 1.
“We’ll be updating the information on our web pages over the next few weeks,” says a spokesman for the transport agency.
An amendment to the Land Transport Management Act to enable the CCD to be scrapped has been accepted by parliament for consideration under urgency this week.
Questions & answers
The NZTA’s website states there will be no exceptions for rebates not being paid after 11.59pm on December 31.
This includes if consumers have pre-ordered EVs and wait times have been extended until after the end of the scheme, or if a dealer registering a car on a buyer’s behalf doesn’t get this done until the new year even if it was purchased before 2023 ends.
If someone registers and pays a charge under the CCD before December 31 but doesn’t get the vehicle until after the feebates scheme ends, no refund is applicable.
If a consumer buys a car but doesn’t register it until January, no fee will be collected because it applies at the time of first registration.
CCD applicants must ensure all details and required documents, such as proof of bank account and the sale-and-purchase agreement, are provided with the application to avoid missing out on the rebate payment.
From January 1, the online service for applications will be blocked. If an application is incomplete and or requires follow up, there is a risk of the payment deadline being missed. There will be no exceptions, regardless of cause, and only registered parties can apply.
Applications from dealers must be for using the vehicle for business purposes. They will need to supply the required documentation, such as the signed statutory declaration, for such applications to be processed.
Corrections to applications lodged after the deadline will be allowed, but won’t be automatic. Incorrect registrations completed in December seeking correction in 2024, will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, says the NZTA. Refunding of CCD fees will not be automatic.
There are no exceptions to the eligibility criteria and timeframes. Shipping or certification delays are not accepted reasons for late applications.