Brown to be new Minister of Transport

Simeon Brown has been chosen as the new Minister of Transport as National, Act and New Zealand First unveiled a coalition agreement to form the next government.
The National MP, pictured, who was the party’s transport spokesman while in opposition, will be part of a 20-strong cabinet that will be led by Christopher Luxon as prime minister.
Brown’s other portfolios will include energy, local government, Auckland and being deputy leader of the house.
He says he feels honoured to have been asked by Luxon to take on a number of ministerial roles and is looking forward to “working hard to deliver for New Zealanders in these portfolios”.
His National colleague Matt Doocey has been selected as Associate Minister of Transport with the government and its ministers set to be sworn in on November 27.
The cabinet will be made up of 14 National ministers and three apiece from Act and NZ First. There will be five ministers from National, two from Act and one from NZ First outside of cabinet.
The three-party coalition government is the first in New Zealand’s mixed-member proportional (MMP) history and National, Act and NZ First will all be represented in Cabinet.
The respective leaders, Luxon, David Seymour and Winston Peters, announced details of the coalition deal in Wellington on November 24.
Under the agreement, Peters will be deputy prime minister for the first half of the three-year parliamentary term and Seymour for the second half, starting on May 31, 2025.
Luxon says the deal provides for Act and NZ First to support the major elements of National’s policy programme, which includes a pledge to axe the clean car discount by December 31, 2023, and to adjust settings for the clean car standard.
The incoming prime minister adds he will also receive backing for much his party’s 100-day plan, 100-point economic plan, and tax and fiscal plans, with some adjustments.
“The tax package will continue to be funded through a combination of spending reprioritisation and additional revenue measures” explains Luxon.
“However, as part of National’s agreement with New Zealand First, the proposed foreign buyer tax will no longer go ahead. Policy changes will help offset the loss of revenue from that change. National’s fiscal plan also had buffers which give confidence that tax reduction can still be funded responsibly.”
Luxon declares the incoming government will deliver for all New Zealanders and how the coalition parties do that has been at the core of its negotiations over recent weeks.
“New Zealanders have put their trust in us. In return, we trust New Zealanders. We believe in this country. We are ambitious for it,” he adds.
“We know that, with the right leadership, the right policies and the right direction, together New Zealanders can make this an even better country.”
From left: Winston Peters, Christopher Luxon and David Seymour sign the coalition agreement
Key ministerial positions
Prime Minister: Christopher Luxon
Deputy Prime Minister: Winston Peters (until May 31 2025), David Seymour (from May 31, 2025)
Minister of Finance: Nicola Willis
Minister for the Environment: Penny Simmonds
Minister of Climate Change: Simon Watts
Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs: Andrew Bayly
Minister for Biosecurity: Andrew Hoggard
Minister for Regulation: David Seymour
Minister for ACC: Matt Doocey
Minister for Energy: Simeon Brown
Minister of Immigration: Erica Stanford
Minister for Economic Development: Melissa Lee
Minister for Regional Development: Shane Jones
Minister for Small Business and Manufacturing: Andrew Bayly
Minister for Tourism and Hospitality: Matt Doocey
Minister for Social Development and Employment: Louise Upston
Minister of Customs: Casey Costello
Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety: Brooke van Velden
Minister for Trade: Todd McClay
Minister of State for Trade and Export Growth:
Minister of Agriculture: Todd McClay
Minister of Forestry: Todd McClay
Minister for Infrastructure: Chris Bishop
Leader of the House: Chris Bishop