Bill passes third reading

The Border Processing (Trade Single Window and Duties) Bill that supports the implementation of a new management system passed its third and final reading in Parliament on March 20. Customs Minister Maurice Williamson says the new legislation amends the Customs and Excise Act 1996 and the Biosecurity Act 1993 to support implementing the trade single-window component of the joint border management system (JBMS). The trade single window provides a single channel for importers and exporters to comply with border requirements, which will improve the flow of trade and reduce compliance costs over time. “The amendments in the act cover registration of JBMS users, sending and receiving information to and from the trade single window, and consequential changes to offences and penalties,” says Williamson. “Two new amendments have been incorporated to make consultation over any changes to the de-minimis mandatory and remove doubt around the setting of the biosecurity levy rate.”