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Autotrader celebrates

Today - April 12, 2018, marks a special day in Autotrader NZ history, when its 1800th edition of the magazine rolls off the press.
Posted on 11 April, 2018
Autotrader celebrates

Autotrader maintains a strong position in the market, with current readership (as audited by Nielsen) now averaging 178,000 per issue, and growth in distribution, readership, magazine size, and advertisers. The magazine is supported by, which generates close to two million page views each month. Since its inception in 1981, Autotrader has changed considerably to meet the market. When it started Autotrader was primarily private listings delivered in black and white and published monthly, in Auckland. Now it focuses on dealer listings, is published fortnightly, is in glossy full colour and distributed in both the North and South Island. However, it stays true to its purpose by keeping things simple—providing listings for people who want to purchase a car.