Fresh penalties for utes under fire

Political parties take aim at the government over its plan to revamp the clean car discount scheme.
Posted on 02 May, 2023
Fresh penalties for utes under fire

Opposition parties have criticised changes to the clean car discount (CCD) announced by the government, with National describing them as a “kick in the guts” for Kiwi farmers and tradies.

Simeon Brown, National’s transport spokesman, says the revised structure of the policy has come about because Labour’s feebate scheme has been a failure after spending $200 million more in subsidies than it has received in fees.

"Tens of millions of dollars in subsidies have been handed out to wealthy people buying Teslas, using money paid for by farmers and tradies that have been working hard keeping our economy moving,” adds Brown, pictured.

"Now those farmers and tradies will have to pay even more for Labour’s failed policies with higher penalties on utes and light commercial vehicles.

"This is a kick in the guts for our farmers and tradies who rely on utes for their jobs and don’t have alternative electric vehicles they can buy.”

The government has revealed the size of some rebates, fees and the emissions bands where those discounts and charges will apply to imported light vehicles, are all set to change from July 1.

Brown confirmed that if his party gains power at this year’s general election, it will “axe Labour’s ute tax and end subsidies for people buying Teslas”. 

He adds National will also work with the imported-vehicle industry to “put in place sensible, long-term policies which reduce our emissions while allowing Kiwis to continue getting the vehicles they need”.

Meanwhile, Act leader David Seymour says comments from Carmel Sepuloni, Deputy Prime Minister, following the government’s announcement show the feebate scheme has been designed by to “force people out of certain kinds of vehicle”. 

“Carmel Sepuloni arrogantly lecturing Aucklanders that they don’t need utes shows the Labour Party can’t help themselves when it comes to telling people how to live their lives,” explains Seymour.

“Sepuloni said this morning [on Newshub’s AM] that some New Zealanders were buying utes when they didn’t need them. 

“This is an out-of-touch and arrogant Labour government. Far beyond reducing emissions, they believe it is their job to tell New Zealanders what the legitimate use of a ute is.”