Jeep target of prank war

FRIDAY FUNNY: Former ice hockey teammates focus on each other’s vehicles for practical jokes. PLUS – video
Posted on 12 April, 2024
Jeep target of prank war

An ice hockey player has taken his prank war with a former teammate to a new level after putting a flowerbed on the bonnet of a vehicle and removing all of its wheels.

The latest antics between the pair started this month when Colorado Avalanche forward Brandon Duhaime covered a car belonging to Marc-Andre Fleury, who he played with at Minnesota Wild, in toilet paper.

It reignited the trading of pranks from their days together at the Wild and Fleury responded in style just days later as his team were in Colorado for a match.

He placed flowers and dirt on Duhaime’s Jeep, removed the wheels and had them locked up, and placed a for-sale sign on the windscreen, forcing his victim to get a ride home with a friend.

Duhaime was only able to get the keys to unlock his tyres after posting an apology video to Fleury online, which he duly did.

It appears Fleury also gained the last laugh after Duhaime said: “I think I’m done. We had our fun.”

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