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Subaru under fire in probe

Posted on 02 August, 2015
Subaru under fire in probe

An investigation by Reuters has made some allegations about how the Subaru Forestor is made.The article claims many of its suppliers in Ota, Japan, are using low-paid foreign workers and asylum seekers to produce components for the vehicle. Labourers are allegedly coming from places such as China and Bangladesh – and the report says they receive a pittance compared to their Japanese counterparts. Reuters estimates there are about 580 foreign workers, or about 80 per cent of the total workforce, producing components for Subaru for third-party suppliers. These suppliers produce many components for the Forester, including the seats, shocks, and fuel tanks. Reuters admits the businesses have contracts with other Japanese automakers as well, but Subaru receives the main focus of this piece. You can read the full report here: