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Police with hover bikes

Posted on 17 October, 2017

If the idea of being chased by a policeman wasn't scary enough, you can now imagine a police pursuit hovering in the air behind you if you are lucky enough to live in Dubai. On top of a variety of previous futuristic police patrol machinery including robot policemen and fully electric cars, the Dubai police force is now kitting out its constables with hover bikes.  The police hoverbike was announced at GITEX, a technology expo held in the Gulf region. The bike can fly up to 70 kilometres per hour and get up to a maximum of 5 metres while manned by a driver.  During an interview at the expo, a Dubai Police representative explained that while the hoverbikes won't be used full time yet, they will be a prototype, with plans for a drone division which will be used in the future.  Click here to watch a video demonstrating the bike.