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Ministry's transport report

Posted on 08 May, 2016

The Ministry of Transport has partnered with the University of Auckland to prepare a national transport plan. Andrew Jackson, ministry deputy chief executive, says: “The University of Auckland’s work is an important step in providing a more informed view of the future transport sector and will support decisions in many areas. For example, where and how to invest in transport infrastructure”. He adds that the New Zealand Transport Model will allow national and regional policy makers and planners to test possible outcomes from a range of different scenarios. “A national transport model would take into account the interactions between all the different transport modes and help provide a more comprehensive overview of the system”. The Ministry will release an updated transport research strategy this year, as well as a plan summarising the information the government holds about the transport system. The New Zealand Transport Outlook will also be released, which summarises the state of the current system and projects future demand under different scenarios. Further information on the transport model, including reports from the University of Auckland, can be found here.