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Fuel efficient SUVs on the horizon

Posted on 21 December, 2017

Jim Hackett, Ford Chief Executive, said on Thursday, that Ford wants to change its product strategy due to consumers now wanting SUVs that had better fuel efficiencies.   The automaker is currently reviewing its vehicle portfolio and believes that there is a preference now for a sport utility vehicle that has fuel efficiencies similar to that of a sedan.  At a recent Ford event in Detroit, Hackett said that in the past SUVs were not fuel efficient, but “we’re starting to crack that code”. The automaker is conducting an annual review of its product portfolio against that backdrop, he said, but did not address specifics. Ford also said on Thursday it would relocate its autonomous and electric vehicle units to Detroit from Dearborn, Michigan. “The relocation brings together Ford teams that are creating new business models in a resurgent, diverse neighbourhood with industrial roots”, Ford said. The team in Corktown will be led by Sherif Marakby, Ford’s vice president of autonomous vehicles and electrification. The company will begin testing its latest self-driving vehicle technology next year.