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Extra traffic overnight in Kaikoura

Posted on 02 May, 2017

Extra traffic on the roads could come in the form of very large houses this Thursday. The prefabricated accommodation facility which has been used to house workers who have been restoring the State Highway 1 transport corridor, will start making its way to Kaikoura by truck on May 4.  

The trucks will be travelling at night and into the early morning to minimise disruption to most road users, residents and businesses along the route. Each convoy of trucks will have two pilot vehicles so any one coming towards them will have ample warning of the wider loads ahead. The vehicles will be travelling from the storage yard at Woolston via State Highway 1 to Waipara, State Highway 7 to Culverden and then the Inland Road via Waiau (Route 70) to Kaikoura. There are 96 over-dimension truckloads to be delivered (of 104 trucks in total). This means that approximately eight to 10 loads will be delivered per day over a twelve-day period.  Travellers on this route should be aware of the additional freight loads and the potential for delays, says Transport Agency Earthquake Recovery Manager Steve Mutton. “The workers’ village is a key part of the programme to restore this important coastal highway by the end of 2017,” he says. “It is quite a logistical exercise to get these truck-loads of material to Kaikoura, along the winding inland road, then set up on site. “Thanks to all road users, residents and people who use these highways and the inland Waiau road for taking care and being patient if they strike short delays at night over the coming 12 days.”