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Company urges call to action

Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) officials met with industry representatives yesterday in an effort to explore ways of finding a solution to the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) issue that is currently affecting imports of vehicles to New Zealand.
Posted on 15 February, 2018

Immediately following the meeting, Jacanna Customs and Freight issued an email to clients and interested parties in the automotive industry in an effort to find a suitable resolution.

“There is still no solution for the current vessels but all parties are working hard to find a way a forward. “The only viable product that MPI recognises (apart from heat treatment which cannot be done for this volume of cars) will eliminate the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug is to fumigate with Sulfuryl Fluoride. The issue is that this product cannot be used in New Zealand territory and needs to be imported.

“Australia will not allow the vessels to berth to have the treatment carried out and the fumigation companies are weary of doing the fumigation at sea. “The best option is for the MPI to allow Sulfuryl Fluoride to be used under emergency situation in New Zealand ports. MPI have already put this in front of the Minister but more pressure needs to be applied for a quick response. If we leave the process to play out it could take weeks.

“We believe that a way forward is for you and everyone that you know to contact your local MP and tell them the hardship that this situation will have on you and your business and all your associated businesses like compliance centres, paint shops etc …. get them to contact their MPs as well. “The more pressure that can be put on Government to ratify Sulfuryl Fluoride the sooner it can be used and the sooner you will be able to get your vehicles. Please contact your local MP today!”